Our scope of therapy also involves osteopathic treatments. In osteopathic medicine the patient’s overall state of health and well-being is the primary focus. We view osteopathic methods as essential and integrative components to classical physical therapy.

Our osteopathic services:

Osteopathic medicine strives to restore and maintain a state of equilibrium – a release of tension and a state of balance – within and among all structures of the body. The theory is that whenever a structural imbalance occurs, the result is tension and, ultimately, disfunctions in the body tissues. In order to achieve ultimate therapeutic results, your therapist first locates the specific areas in your body where movement is restricted. They then apply special manual techniques to gently release tension and promote the mobilization of joints and muscles. The idea behind: Once these structural blockages are released, your body can begin to heal itself.

We implement three types of osteopathic physical therapy:

Parietal osteopathy

Here your therapist’s focus is on examining and treating the musculoskeletal system: bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments and fasciae.

Visceral osteopathy

Visceral osteopathy is concerned with the inner organs and their surrounding structures. Specifically, osteopaths look at the restriction of mobility in individual organs such as blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, nerves, connective tissue and supportive connective tissue.

Craniosacral osteopathy

Craniosacral osteopathy centers on the analysis of fine movements of the skull, sacrum and the corresponding connective tissues.

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